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How to Deal with Challenges | Clojure Developers Insights

The Main Clojure Development Challenges Freshcode's Faced

January 28, 2021
6 min read
Artem Barmin
Alexandra Lozovyuk
Content Strategist

The Freshcode team is glad to welcome here mastered Clojurians, Clojure-fans, and everyone who hears about it for the first time. We've already told why Clojure became our choice and how we started this journey in a previous post. Also, we've shared Freshcode developers' insights about learning Clojure and difficulties for beginners.

Today we are going to cover a topic about technical challenges we've faced within the Clojure web app development and how this programming language can solve them (firsthand stories only! :)

The Clojure benefits we love it for

To kick-start today's story let's make a short brief of core Clojure features and how to take advantage of its combined strengths.

Clojure benefits development







Challenge accepted or how we create working solutions using Clojure

Here we, traditionally, are sharing our developers' insights about their experience within Clojure projects. Today we are inviting you to find out what tech challenges they were faced and how bravely overcame them.





What is it like to be a Clojure development company?

Freshcode started developing its own product in Clojure in 2013. It was an eCommerce platform for smart buying — the choice was between Clojure and Ruby on Rails, and Freshcode's founder decided to go with Clojure as it offered concise syntaxis, speed of development, and a new paradigm.

What is it like to be a Clojure web development company and why we choose this way — check firsthand information below. :)




Working with Clojurians: fairytale or horror

Freshcode has created ready-to-use conceptual Clojure solutions for 8 years — we've released several eCommerce, entertainment, healthcare software products. And here we are going to unmask myths that stop some entrepreneurs to build their software products in Clojure. It's time to benefit from the plenty of advantages Clojure web development could allow.

Too hard to find a Clojure developer for tech support

Finding and retaining a dedicated Clojure programmer can really become a quite challenging task compared, for example, to a JS developer's hiring. But, who seeks shall find. Especially when Lady Luck herself smiles upon you: 2020 was marked by the increased growth of using Clojure for work. More precisely, the use of Clojure at work reached its highest percentage during 2020: merely 69% of respondents used Clojure in the workplace, up from about 25% 10 years ago. The 2020 survey also found that Clojure adoption had increased among large companies, i.e., of sizes 1000+ employees.

Clojure developers' salary is too high

Actually, Clojure developers' salaries are at the top of the range according to numerous surveys like StackOverflow and the State of JS. Overall, the average salary of functional programming engineers is higher than the industry average. But given the speed, productivity, reliability, and plenty of other development benefits, it will instead save money and finances and guarantee a decent end result. Therefore, the statement that Clojurists salaries are TOO high is false. On the contrary, Clojure development is a good example of how to save money, time, nerves, and lines of code.

It is also worth noting that developers' salaries vary, for example, Clojure programmers in Eastern Europe are very reasonably priced compared to the marketplaces in the US and UK.

There are no big players using Clojure

Here you can be reassured by successful stories of different businesses that chose Clojure for software development. We are sure that the experience of NASA, Adobe, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, and Oracle within the Clojure implementation is relevant proof of competitiveness of the language and credibility of Clojure-based products. So, keep calm and benefit from Clojure!

Freshcode will continue to share interesting news, insights, and living stories about Clojure software development. In the next post, we are going to tell you what is Clojure good for and its business value. So, stay in touch and keep up with our blog articles and posts on the Linkedin page.

Alexandra Lozovyuk
Content Strategist

With a passion for technology, business ideas and storytelling, bridges the gap between technical concepts and engaging narratives. Writes catchy texts and explores design and marketing trends to find the best experiences to implement.

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