Clojure Expertise
Tailored for Growth
and Innovation

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Unlock the full potential of your business with Freshcode Clojure development services, designed to seamlessly overcome the critical challenges of talent scarcity, team scaling, and product advancement.
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Clojure Solutions
for Critical Business Challenges

Bridging the Clojure Skills Divide

Securing top-tier tech talent is crucial for your product's growth. That's why we combine rigorous vetting with comprehensive Clojure training to create experts tailored to your needs. When you hire Clojure developers from us, you're getting professionals skilled in functional programming who seamlessly integrate with your team.

Adaptive Team Scaling

Navigating rapid changes requires a team that can adjust on the fly. Our dynamic scaling solution, backed by our reputation as a Clojure development company since 2014, effortlessly incorporates contractors into your existing setup. This tailored integration is more than just expansion—it's a strategic move aligned with your business objectives.

Navigating Product Complexity

Tackling challenges like inaccurate estimates, legacy code, and technical debt demands deep expertise. Our Clojure consulting and project management services address these issues, offering team flexibility and strategic guidance to align your tech with your goals and ready your product for growth.

Elevating Teams
Beyond Hiring

We understand that your product's success extends beyond engineers' skills. Our focus is on assembling a team where each member possesses deep Clojure expertise and amplifies the existing capabilities of your team, thereby propelling your product and technological development forward.
Cultural Fit: We ensure every contractor shares your team's culture and values, integral to creative problem-solving and collaboration.
Time-Proven Expertise: We cultivate experts through in-house training and offer pre-vetted engineers for immediate impact.
Teamwork Proficiency: We prioritize engineers who excel in collaborative settings, ensuring seamless integration and enhanced team synergy.
years in Clojure
Clojurists in
the team
Clojure Artem Barmin

Team Dynamics and
Contractor Integration

Our approach emphasizes agile team dynamics and seamless contractor integration, enabling tailored adjustments to your development team. This ensures that every change, whether onboarding new Clojurists or scaling down, strategically aligns with your objectives for continuous progress and innovation.
Dynamic Team Adjustments: Swiftly adding or replacing Clojure developers as per your development's evolving needs.
Efficient Onboarding & Adaptation: Ensuring smooth integration of new contractors with a focus on rapid growth.
Clojure Vadim Kostyuk

Aligning Product Vision with Execution

Our Clojure services extend beyond traditional software outsourcing; we offer long-term assistance to ensure your product strategy flawlessly aligns with your staffing and project management needs, setting a course for sustained growth and innovation.
Delivery-Driven Talent Fit: Tailoring team composition to meet both current and future project demands, ensuring that execution aligns closely with strategic vision.
Simplifying Complexity: Overcoming technical challenges like optimizing code and streamlining system integration to facilitate easier and predictable product rollouts.
Clojure Optimization: Enhancing and sustaining existing Clojure-based systems, ensuring proper functionality and seamless operation with minimal need for a complete overhaul.
Case study

SaaS Gamification Platform

Freshcode enhanced CataBoom's SaaS platform utilizing Clojure and React to add new features and improve game mechanics. This effort led to over 250 million user engagements, optimizing game functionality and streamlining in-app prize management.
United States
Full-stack development
API & Integrations
Project strategy
Software QA
2 Clojure developers
React Developer
Project Manager
QA Engineer
Used services:
Full-stack development
Project planning
Test coverage
Freshcode team:
2 Clojure developers
Project Manager
QA Engineer

Freshcode is among the
largest Clojure development

teams in Europe

Our Clojure Growth Story

Secured the first client as a service company
Launched a tech startup utilizing Clojure technology
Scaled up our Clojure team for a US biotech client
Freshcode established a full-fledged Clojure team
Launched the functional programming
Our team grew to include 11 Clojurists
The Clojure team grew to 40 members. Began working with one of the largest US banks
Spoke at reClojure, :clojureD, and DCD22. Expanded to 28 Clojure developers
Launched a tech startup utilizing Clojure technology.
Secured the first client as a service company.
Scaled up our Clojure team for a US biotech client.
Our team grew to include 11 Clojurists.
Launched the
functional programming
Spoke at reClojure, :clojureD, and DCD22. Expanded to 28 Clojure developers.
The Clojure team grew to 40 members. Began working with one of the largest US banks.
Secured the first client as a service company
Scaled up our Clojure
team for a US biotech
Launched the
functional programming
Launched the
functional programming
Launched a tech
startup utilizing Clojure technology
Freshcode established
a full-fledged Clojure
Our team grew
to include 11
Spoke at reClojure, :clojureD, and DCD22. Expanded to 28 Clojure developers

Advancing Your
Product's Capabilities

At Freshcode, we merge IT expertise with practical project management to enhance your product's capabilities. As a leading Clojure development company, we bring together a diverse team of professionals, including software developers, project managers, QA engineers, and DevOps experts, to support your product journey from inception to refinement. We aim to steer your product's growth per your strategic objectives and quality standards.

Our Product Advancement Approach

Team Formation

Our process begins with thoroughly analyzing your product's current and future potential, quickly followed by forming a multidisciplinary team. This approach ensures that your development benefits from tailored expertise from day one.

Seamless Integration

We facilitate seamless role integration into your product team, laying the groundwork for a comprehensive advancement roadmap. This strategy underpins your product's lifecycle, from refinement to market re-entry.

Adaptable Workflow

Our dynamic project management adjusts to new insights, integrating ongoing feedback, periodic showcases, and rigorous monitoring. This flexibility is essential for maintaining development momentum and meeting advancement timelines.

Why Freshcode for Clojure Development

Enhanced Lifecycle

Our agile methodology expedites your product's enhancement cycle, facilitating the swift integration of high-caliber specialists. This approach lets you respond to market changes and user feedback.

Seasoned Clojure Developers

We streamline the complexity of tech recruitment and product enhancement execution. Access our handpicked pool of Clojure professionals to ensure your development is backed with accuracy and expertise.

Cost Efficiency

Benefit from an economic project enhancement model that does not sacrifice the depth or breadth of your development activities. Our proactive planning and operational adjustments maximize your investment, delivering significant value.

QA and Optimization

We prioritize delivering an advanced product that excels in performance and user satisfaction. Our dedication to quality assurance and perpetual optimization ensures your product meets and surpasses market standards.

Our Talks about Clojure

Proud of Our Client's Success

We've seen a 20% monthly growth in our customer base since the first deliverables from Freshcode.
Nikolay Hendriksen
CEO at
Denmark, Healthcare
After launching the app developed by Freshcode, my revenue increased by 15.7 times, and I have 17 times more paying customers than before.
Dominic Scheck
Founder at
United States, Financial services
Freshcode team is incredibly smart, converting our user requirements into elegant technical solutions which work time and time again.
Adele Theron
Founder at
United Kingdom, Mental Health


Clojure Research

Our study explores first-hand insights from seasoned Clojurists and functional programming practitioners regarding the benefits and issues of bespoken Clojure development. Through interviews with 52 developers, we sought answers to these critical questions:

  • Why do you use Clojure?
  • What factors contribute to the relative lack of popularity of Clojure?
  • How can we address the slow development of the Clojure community?

outsourcing myths

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