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Magento vs Shopify 2024 – Which eCommerce Platform to Choose

Shopify vs Magento: Which Is Best for Ecommerce Startups

November 27, 2023
5 min read
Alexandra Lozovyuk
Content Strategist

Liberty London with its charming Tudor exterior or Christmassy Harrods, with 10k+ lights — these are good examples of <medium>how the shopping experience can be outstanding.<medium>

When it comes to online store, their wow factors are mostly embodied in good UX and appropriate functionality, including user-friendly navigation, a streamlined checkout process, clear product categorization and search function, reliable payment options, and personalized recommendations.

<medium>How to stuff your eCommerce business with the best features while saving resources?<medium> Why are Magento and Shopify the most usable eCommerce platforms worldwide? Finally, which one is best for your business?

Let's explore all these Hows and Whys together.

Shopify and Magento: what is what?

When it comes to eCommerce, you have endless options on how to set up your store and what eCommerce platform to choose. And in almost all expert tips and top lists you will find Shopify and Magento.

<medium>Magento and Shopify are two of the most popular eCommerce platforms<medium> used by thousands of e-merchants. You should know the key details of their underhood and main benefits to choose between them.

Let's start an overview with brief introductory info.


Magento vs Shopify: pros and cons

Both Magento and Shopify platforms allow you to sell, ship, and process payments. Let's look at the pros and cons to see which eCommerce platform is right for your business.


Ok, that's the good news. The bad news next (just specific features that may cause some difficulties or limitations)


Ecommerce platforms key differences

Shopify created an open-source template language Liquid, which is <medium>written in Ruby<medium>. Magento is a <medium>PHP-based platform<medium>. But let us outline obvious differences that lay just beneath the surface and will help you to make a <medium>quick comparative evaluation<medium> of the two platforms.

Magento for business


Which is the right platform for you?

eCommerce trends

To shape a <medium>perspective of your eCommerce product, choose the right solution, and create its development plan<medium> you should know what platform will cover your needs.

For small eCommerce businesses and startups, it's crucially important to fit in a limited budget and use resources rationally. Big eCommerce players face their own challenges, including <medium>scaling, automation, and migration<medium> to new enhanced platforms.

Magento or Shopify? Both platforms provide opportunities to run and grow eCommerce businesses. We for our part <medium>share with you Freshcode Magento experts іnsights.<medium>



In the U.S., eCommerce sales are expected to exceed $1.3 trillion by 2025 (it's more than triple what they were less than a decade ago). Doubtless, yоu have some great products to offer the world. And the task is to be armed with the best eCommerce tools to deliver them perfectly and earn the trust of e-customers.

Here is where Freshcode comes into play. We start with calculating the <medium>'score' of each platform's benefits on a case-by-case basis<medium>. Market research helps us puzzle a clear picture of all updates and new features, while the discovery phase for the particular project allows us to <medium>find the strengths and weaknesses<medium> of each solution.

So, how can you opt for the e-commerce platform and turn the big idea into reality? Here is a brief step-by-step guide on how to choose the right eCommerce solution:



Over 3 years, retail eCommerce sales are projected to reach $4,9 trillion, and there are <medium>no signs of online shopping slowing down<medium>. As the business owner, you should keep abreast of the latest technology and market trends, including store-building platforms.

Creating an eCommerce digital product to <medium>drive sales, find customers, and manage day-by-day business processes<medium> is a great start. We just assist you to power it with top-notch online tools and stick to the budget.

Magento development is our prior direction in the eCommerce area, but together we can explore different services to run and grow your business, choosing the best one. If you want to know more about our <medium>Magento expertise and project delivery process<medium>, we offer you a free consultation (and warm welcoming) ❤️

We are always glad to have a little talk about the thriving eCommerce market and its perspectives through the prism of market trends. Please, fill out the form on our website or contact the Freshcode representative on Linkedin.

Alexandra Lozovyuk
Content Strategist

With a passion for technology, business ideas and storytelling, bridges the gap between technical concepts and engaging narratives. Writes catchy texts and explores design and marketing trends to find the best experiences to implement.

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