e-Commerce Platform with Minecraft Servers

Site: www.gommehd.net
Industry: e-Commerce, Entertainment
Country: Germany
Size of the team: 5 people
Technologies used: Clojure, ElasticSearch, AngularJS, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL
Duration of the Project: 4 month
gommehd freshcode

We used Clojure for this project

Clojure allowed us
To easily describe custom PostgreSQL database mapping to Elasticsearch documents
To simplify the usage of full-text search on the Elasticsearch engine within relational data
Clojure benefits for this project
Faster access time to some data (such as a list of products, users)
Less time required to write extra fields for full-text search support

Specific solutions were implemented in Clojure?

Cache tracking mechanism
Was implemented by automatically updating Elasticsearch documents in response to changes in Postgres database
GommeHD is one of the leading Minecraft Servers with more than 1 million players throughout the world. Our team was tasked with creating an online e-Commerce platform with Minecraft Servers full integration and user-friendly package constructor with variables customization options. Public and private coupons support was required as well as numerous payment systems support. Informative dashboard and flexible user-management were a must for admin panel.
Clojure was chosen by our developers to speed up the e-Commerce platform's creation. The site was developed as a single-page application to improve responsiveness while Elasticsearch was implemented to decrease full-text search time. VAT calculations, transactions log, demand analysis and automatic reports generation are provided by admin panel. Full Minecraft Servers integration means that all the packages bought become immediately available to players.
Business value
GommeHD online e-Commerce platform allowed our client to monetize Minecraft Servers and increase the number of users by providing high-quality services unmatched by the competition. Creating a more sophisticated content and packages constructor with variables customization options considerably boosted online shop's revenue.

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