
<medium>The project manager is something like Virgil in the Divine Comedy<medium>: this person connects worlds and serves the purpose of getting things done.

The art of IT project management is about planning and executing projects using <medium>time management, tracking, risk management, and troubleshooting.<medium> This process helps businesses get from point A to point B along the path of least resistance without taking unnecessary and costly detours.

Let's take a look at the ABCs of effective project coordination and management.

Key challenges of project planning

To some extent, starting a project is like sailing a boat: it looks easy thanks to the tailwind, and it only takes one person at the steering wheel. Reaching a wanted destination, however, takes a lot of discipline both while sailing and in the IT industry.

Here are <medium>six of the most common project management challenges<medium> and insidious obstacles you can face on the path of software development.

project management challenges how to overcome


Why is project management so important?

In a nutshell, project management is <medium>a link between an idea, its implementation, and a final product.<medium> The project manager doesn't babysit the team: apart from managing the workflow, PM is also responsible for setting clear deadlines, managing expectations, and other troubleshooting on the way, which there can be plenty.

While challenges can naturally arise in the work process, successful project management and owing preparation can still <medium>eliminate a significant percentage of all the possible risks.<medium> First of all, it includes:


However, you can't measure a whole with a sum of its parts: a growing number of businesses worldwide are realizing the value of effective IT project management for improved results and content workers.

Project management process flow

Project management guide




Freshcode's project management best practices

Freshcode works Streetlogix

See case

Streetlogix is an <medium>asset management application<medium> that enables municipalities to manage roadway infrastructure more efficiently and sustainably.

Freshcode and Streetlogix cooperation started in 2020. The client came to us with the web development request for achieving scale. Over time we started working on the mobile development part. Together with the client, we've made the decision to <medium>rewrite the app using React Native.<medium> So, we moved from iOS and Android codebases to the cross-platform React Native development.

Let's look at this <medium>case through the prism of project management<medium> and outline the key tasks that were accomplished.



The future of IT project management

According to the Project Management Institute report, <medium>by 2027, there will be 22 million jobs for project managers.<medium> There is plenty of reasons why this change is happening: for starters, it might be a simple outcome to the other prediction made by consultancy firm Bain & Company that by the same year, most work will be project-based.

Of course, end-to-end project management is a critical element in every business plan, but it's also an essential part of living in a society: we will require <medium>more employees with organizational, planning, management, and motivational skills<medium> as we collaborate more.

In the end, project management starts long before the developers begin coding. High-quality preparations, like requirements elicitation, scope assessment, and risk management, are invaluable for the project's success. If you are new to project management, <medium>don't leave your product to chance, let Freshcode's project managers help you ❤️<medium>

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With a keen understanding of the software development landscape, Alex implements best practices to deliver exceptional experiences for Freshcode clients.

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