
Time-management and personal productivity books have long since taken over the Amazon and NYT Bestsellers lists. Most productivity systems call for digital tools to set goals, list tasks, and track progress.

A lot of people from students to Wall Street businessmen use productivity apps. Despite the number of existing platforms, the demand grows steadily as users look for clean design, intuitive interface, and seamless synchronization.

Here we are talking about how to create a task management app going from idea to MVP. We'll also cover the mobile task management app MVP cost and duration estimates.

What is a task management app?

<medium>Today's business world is a 24/7 digital environment<medium> and we have apps for everything, from healthcare appointment systems and pizza delivery to news aggregators and anti-theft apps.

Despite technologies at our disposal, <medium>many companies still rely on manual routine tasks for key business processes.<medium>

Some old-school practices, such as vinyl records instead of MP3 files or compass & paper maps instead of GPS devices are quite trendy and romantic. But <medium>a notebook buried under papers and reminder stickers is something worth giving up a long time ago.<medium> Here is task management software comes into play.

task management mobile app

All task management techniques and concepts are intended to optimize the workflow and personal resources of every team member. It's 'philosophy' bases on four pillars:


Task management app is kind of <medium>your personal manager that helps you to improve self-organizational skills<medium> for staying competitive and feeling better in spite of all the present-day challenges. These <medium>digital workmates are especially important for business owners<medium>, who need to constantly improve both themselves and their companies.

Essential features for task management app MVP

When you are creating an app, the cost will rise with the number of features. Sophisticated apps rely on dozens of features and fine settings that enable users to customize their experience. You should know perfectly the market demand and what users want in task management software today.

Minimal valuable product (MVP) helps quickly validate an idea and minimize resources, instead of spending too many resources on the initial stages.

task management app features

When you think of how to create an app starting with an MVP, you need to focus on must-have features that will solidify the core of your application. First, develop:


Task management apps overview

Popular productivity apps enjoy millions of downloads and high ratings in Google Play and App Store. Task management platforms include (among other essentials):

  • project & task organizers
  • scheduling systems
  • work hours trackers
  • communication platforms
  • team management software
  • calendar apps
  • mind mapping tools

Let's check some of the popular task management platforms that are used worldwide by different businesses and organizations.



How to build a task management software in 2024? MVP estimation by Freshcode

Let's go over the basics of how to develop a task management system with the features we've just outlined. Our business analysts have calculated the costs and duration of the development based on similar projects in our portfolio.

<medium>MVP development cost<medium> can be under $20,000 with the outsourcing development team in Eastern Europe (while the duration will not extend to 4-5 weeks).

mvp development cost

Step 1. Establish the App's Requirements

The first thing we do when starting on your project is signing a non-disclosure agreement. NDA ensures your idea is safe with our team, and no one can steal it to reap the benefits. We'll also sign a standard contract that includes all essential precautions to secure your project. For example, we ensure your app is GDPR-compliant to guard you against lawsuits and fines.

Once the paperwork is out of the way, our business analyst and project manager will schedule several meetings to discuss the details of your idea, help you select the best team members to implement it and organize a transparent workflow. At this stage, we will set up a meeting and call schedule, create a system requirements specification, and provide you with access to our task management environment. You will be able to track the team's progress in real-time.

Step 2. Design the App's UI and UX

With a clear understanding of your needs and requirements, the team can select the best technology stack to support the expected load and ensure high performance. Two software engineers will consider the best architecture solutions for your task management app and lay down the foundation of the code.

Meanwhile, our designer will work on user interface and user experience design. You'll go through wireframe prototypes, color schemes, and user flows to find the right fit for your project. Designers and developers can work in parallel and have the technology stack and UI/UX design ready in just under one week, keeping the app MVP cost manageable.

mvp app development team

Step 3. Develop the App's Frontend and Backend

Based on an SRS and the development plan, our software engineers tackle one task at a time. Some might take a single day. Database development and registration form are among the quickest tasks. Others, such as frontend implementation, might take up to eight days. You'll be able to assess the progress through our task management system and regular status updates from your project manager who will ensure the team stays on track and keeps up the development pace.

Quality assurance specialists will test the product and provide bug reports for debugging. Once their job is done, your application will be error-free and ready for launch.

Step 4. Make the App's Launch Seamless

We will not leave you to fend for yourself once the MVP app development is finished. Our team will configure the app's infrastructure and complete all necessary steps to secure the product's launch on App Store or Google Play. Your pre-launch marketing campaign will decide the initial number of downloads. If you require further development to meet the users' expectations, you can always reach out to our team for maintenance, training, and other help.


What's next: your MVP growth prospects

After a successful MVP launch and analysis, your task manager app can grow and evolve to spread into new niches and attract users with specific needs. Additional features are endless; you might consider adding:

  • <medium>Collaboration tools for project management.<medium> This will let users create teams, share access, assign tasks, and follow group progress.
  • <medium>Map support<medium>. Your app will automatically calculate the best route based on the user's tasks with geotags.
  • <medium>Voice commands<medium>. Users will create, edit, and search the to-do list through integration with Siri or other speech-controlled digital assistants.
  • <medium>Goal analytics tools<medium>. These will provide data on time spent on tasks and goals and provide an overview for users to assess their progress and improve efficiency.
  • <medium>Third-party app integration<medium>. This could mean getting data from time-tracking apps, like Toggle or Jira, or automatic search for entertainment events for the free time slots in the user's schedule. Students would appreciate the integration with their school-issued apps, while drivers could enjoy traffic notifications. Integration possibilities are endless and should be prioritized according to users' needs.
time management app development


Remember, if you manage your time flawlessly, you and your team will be able to perform high-quality work in less time. So, use your time wisely and optimize your work environment via task management software.

Before you think about adding more and more features, let's circle back to the top and start with an MVP. You can find more detailed information about the MVP development process in our blog post "How To Сreate MVP: Guide For Non-Technical Specialists".

Freshcode BAs and technical experts are ready to provide a consult on how to create a task management system and determine the exact MVP app cost. For detailed information please fill this brief form and one of our representatives will contact you within one business day.

Simon Shcherbak
Business Analyst

With six years at Freshcode, Simon adeptly transforms business needs into clear technical solutions. He partners with stakeholders to ensure IT projects meet strategic objectives.

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