
Punctuality is the politeness of kings. And a key to perfect workflows and a strong positive business reputation, especially in the healthcare industry given its specific scheduling features and requirements.

Predicting and anticipating patient needs, quickly filling shifts in the case of no-shows, processing time-off requests, and fair employee workload distribution — all of this requires process automation.

Let us together

  • define key features of the 24/7 healthcare scheduling software
  • think about how to enhance your existing medical platform
  • analyze examples of medical appointment scheduling software

Urgency scheduling problems in healthcare

Businesses often spend more hours optimizing schedules than they care to admit, especially in lodging reservations, ticket booking, education, or urgent care platforms, where this process is very dynamic.

Let's focus on the healthcare industry to gain a better understanding of <medium>how to build or upgrade a medical scheduling app and why it's crucial.<medium>

Digitalization has dramatically changed the operating models in all industries, including healthcare. The adoption of electronic health records (EHR), IoT, eSignature, TeleHealth, and automated scheduling software have been on the rise.

The last one is still performed in the old way in many organizations. Patients call the medical clinic reception to make an appointment and then the responsible employee looks through the schedule and suggests free time slots.

Sure, such a situation has several drawbacks, as manual processes in medical care can lead to <medium>inefficient time management and income loss.<medium>

Let's briefly highlight the major benefits of physician scheduling software:



Basic features of medical scheduling software

Strengthening workflow capabilities enables medical care businesses to quickly achieve performance improvements and meet clients' expectations.

Here is<medium> a list of essential features for medical appointment scheduling software<medium> that can enhance both employees' and clients' experiences.



Medical appointments software: 2022 practices

To help you set your priorities straight, we've analyzed six healthcare scheduling apps. Check their features, user experience improvements, dashboard designs, and subscription options to adopt them.


medical scheduling software

FollowMyHealth® lets users access and manage their health information on the go, including the online scheduling system.

You can easily schedule, reschedule, or cancel your appointment through the app. Appointments are divided into the three groups for easily fingering and managing:

  • Upcoming (all future appointments that the client has scheduled)
  • Past (all past appointments)
  • Other (all other appointments, such as canceled appointments or appointments that the client didn't show up for)

Nursegrid scheduling

NurseGrid platform provided by HcT2 Co allows healthcare departments to manage schedules, fill open shifts, and increase staff retention.

NurseGrid hands nurses the reins to:

  • work schedule management
  • compare calendars with colleagues for swaps or off-duty plans
  • track signal availability for additional shifts, swaps, and flex-offs
  • manage shifts at multiple worksites
  • sync with calendar apps
  • send group and private messages to colleagues


Scheduling app

CureMD, an NYC-based healthcare company, provides integrated services across scheduling, electronic billing, reporting, and workflow management. It connects care delivery organizations clinically, operationally, and financially.

CureMD scheduling management system includes the following facilities:

  • online appointment system
  • patient portal
  • follow-up appointment reminders
  • Electronic Medical Records (EMR)


Theranest provides an all-in-one practice management system, including physician scheduling software for therapists, psychologists, and counselors. It's designed to 'help mental and behavioral health providers grow their practice'.

It offers one calendar for everything, that allows to:

  • create individual client-, group-, and multi-staff appointments
  • filter calendar by type of service and staff member
  • save scheduling time by setting up recurring appointments in the calendar
  • use client initials instead of full names for anonymity


medical appointment software

Aimedis is a blockchain-based, AI-supported multilingual medical platform providing access for patients, doctors, nurses, therapists, practices, pharmacies, and other industry experts. It offers:

  • online appointments for physical or virtual consultations
  • patient-centered medical records
  • telehealth options
  • eLearning & eTeaching
  • online prescriptions with a direct connection to pharmacies
  • online sick certificates
  • integration of trackers and specialized devices


Appointfix is an online appointment scheduler for fitness and wellness professionals. It offers a basic feature set, including

  • online appointment scheduling (+recurring and group appointments options)
  • online booking
  • calendar
  • reminders
  • notes
  • Google & Apple calendar sync

Premium subscription provides several additional options:

  • sync across two devices
  • reports
  • marketing options
  • multiple templates for messages
  • messages without brand signature
  • priority support

Custom appointment scheduling software vs. off-the-shelf solutions

In this block, we are going to consider two ways how healthcare companies can evolve technologies to improve workforce productivity and meet new demands.

<medium>Off-the-shelf physician scheduling software<medium> is a ready-made tool provided by a third-party service. You don't need to build a solution from scratch, you just get a completed product in the short term and at an affordable cost.

The <medium>customized tool<medium> is a bespoke, tailored-up product directed entirely at your company's wants. It's a painkiller for your business processes issues that covers specific needs.

Let's briefly highlight the main pros and cons of both development types.

why to develop custom medical scheduling app

Depending on the business model and business needs, both of these solutions come with their benefits.

As the custom software product is tailored to your healthcare business and individually crafted by experienced developers, it can be:

  • integrated with other custom/packaged tools
  • updated and scaled in the future
  • used to replace a legacy system

In other words, it's a long-term investment, while ready-made scheduling software is a good option for cost-efficiently and fast-closing tasks.

If you are looking to choose between these two approaches take a short test for a better understanding of which one better suits you.




Automated scheduling is a must-have for a client-friendly medical practice. It <medium>enhances the patient experience, increases medical staff satisfaction, and helps to run the day-to-day workflow activities as efficiently as possible.<medium>

With over 8 years of experience in web and mobile development, Freshcode has carried out multiple projects related to medical care and HIPAA-compliant scheduling software in particular.

And we know for sure that the main task is to provide the best-automated workflow process avoiding routine repetitive tasks both for service providers and clients. While the medical personnel can focus on what matters, the patients can receive better service and care they need.

For detailed information please contact us on Linkedin or fill the website form and one of our representatives will contact you within one business day.

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