
The article explains the importance of strong corporate identity, providing reasons for its building and real examples. We will look at cases of Nike, Starbucks, Chanel and other world-leading brands to learn the factors of their success. You will also read about types and elements of business identity, its difference from other marketing concepts and the most common branding mistakes.

Think about an apple. What comes in your mind? A fruit or the latest version of the iPhone? As for many people, they associate an apple with the famous brand, created by Steve Jobs.

Apple company has an extremely <medium>strong corporate identity<medium>, which makes it successfully stand out from competitors. What's the recipe of such a perfect branding? We can't talk about a simple solution, because marketing is a field where strategy meets creativity. And Steve Jobs was a person who really could think out of the box.

How does it work?

All marketing efforts can be summarized in a short formula: <medium>"I know - I want - I pay"<medium>. The purchasing process is always the same:


Understanding this pattern, McKinsey company had developed one of the best marketing tools, <medium>AIDA<medium> (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action). It is used for creating any advertising content: texts, videos, images.

Corporate identity is essential for all business. If you want to monetize your idea, you need to show clients <medium>who you are<medium>. Business identity is the way which you present yourself to the audience. It defines your interaction with the consumers, the employees and the investors.

Reasons for creating corporate identity

The value of your product depends not only on its quality, but also on buyer's feelings and perception.<medium>94%<medium> of customers prefer and recommend companies they emotionally engaged with. People often behave irrationally, so a successful brand should be created simultaneously in 2 realities. You need to take into account both <medium>common-sense and emotions.<medium>


Business identity is a great part of branding. That's why it's so important. You shouldn't confuse these 3 concepts:


Logo brand identity

4 benefits of strong corporate identity and branding


Elements and types of corporate image

There are 2 types of corporate identity: weak and strong. The second one is known as "effective", because it really helps to move business goals forward. In order to build a strong corporate identity, you have to develop its 2 main elements: corporate culture and design.

Culture and personality

Aiming to create a cool brand, you shouldn't think only about how your business is seen by the outside. It's essential to know <medium>who you are as a company.<medium> The core of corporate identity consists of:

  • your vision and purpose
  • your values, culture and behavior

Visual identity

Modern and appealing corporate style is crucial for a successful brand. It transmits the values, as well as makes a positive first impression. You should be mindful of:

  • logo, social media, website
  • merchandise and packaging
  • office, uniforms, vehicles, etc

Tips on creating corporate identity from scratch

Tell a story

When you are an early-stage entrepreneur, your brand narrative is an extraction of you and co-founders. So, to write an interesting and catchy brand narrative, you need to tell a story of your life. Who are you? When and why did you first think about starting out the business? What inspires you and your team? It's a good idea to think about the company in the way you think about a person. It also has its own identity, voice, values, story, character, style, etc.

Combine strategy and creativity

Marketing isn't only about planning and analytics. It's also about concepts and solutions that differentiate you from others. The integration of business and creativity means that "strategy = idea". It's something that makes you unique and moves your goals forward. Accenture, one of the leading global business consulting companies, recently has bought Droga5, one of the main creative agencies in the world. This isn't the first transaction that shows a tendency of mutual integration between business consulting and digital, design, creative industries.

Create meaningful visual image

Design is the most obvious aspect of a corporate identity. Make sure it isn't just fashionable and pretty, but also transmits your ideas. A strong logo supports and reinforces the brand's core. A cool creative design requires brainstorming and thinking out of the box. But it worths your time and efforts. Don't forget about different nuances. How will the logo look at your website? In a printed version? In promotional souvenirs or office interior?

Set standards of behavior and communication

Corporate identity influences all kinds of company activities. It determines the language used in customer communications, as well as the leadership style of the management team. The efficiency of using integrated marketing communications (IMC) also depends on the corporate identity strategy. It affects loyal and potential customers, the media, and the public. Press releases, advertising slogans, videos and brochures should support each other.

Features of corporate identity that matters

Let's look at the best corporate identity examples and find out what makes them so significant.

Exclusivity: Apple asks to think different

Apple brand

The key element of Apple's corporate identity is exclusivity. The highly competitive market requires companies to show their clear differentiation or reason for being. From the extremely simple and recognizable logo, to the famous slogan, Apple emphasizes its uniqueness and separation. The company successfully uses the formula "I know - I want - I pay". Its customers want to be like Apple.
Be unique.
Apple ensures its products are based on seeing the world a little differently. And it inspires the customers to do the same.

Relevance: Starbucks understands customers' aspirations

Starbucks brand

People around the world want to drink high-quality, tasty coffee in a nice atmosphere. Starbucks satisfies this need, creating the concept of the third place between home and work where everyone can relax and enjoy a cup of a favorite drink. The round tables were created specifically to make people feel less alone and the creative logo to represent the seductive power of coffee.

Its intended audience looks for perfect service, excellent drinks and comfort. Starbucks tries to be as relevant as possible, taking into account the public's demand and providing some seasonal offers depending on location.

Coherence: Nike delivers clear message

Nike brand

Thanks to the well-established connections and professional marketing, Nike has a powerful presence in the sports industry. The company's message is clear and motivational: "Just do it!". Nike promises to create products that help everyone, who wants to achieve more. It talks to customers in an inspirational tone, and all its promotional content is following this way. The stylish logo represents motivation, speed and freedom from 1971.

Nowadays Nike advertising supports the idea of equality, sports achievements and fights against stereotypes.

Esteem: Chanel creates perfect reputation


With its trademark suits, timeless designs and legendary black dresses, Chanel has conquered the market of luxury fashion brands. Upholding exclusivity and spotless reputation helps it to stay in the leading position among strong competitors.Chanel is the most influential luxury brand, which is valued by both its internal and external audiences. The high esteem is reached thanks to the balance of the expected and delivered quality.

7 Common mistakes


Now you know how to convince the public and prove your project makes a difference. Both new and established companies can boost their profits by implementing an appropriately planned business identity.

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